Psoriasis Journey
I first started to get small Psioriasis plaques on my knees and elbows when I was 27 years old and I have spent the last 20 years painstakingly reserching, the cause of Psoriasis, Psoriasis treatments to find out how to sucessfully cure myself and others of the cursid desease.
Psoriasis Treatment
Every conventional medicine prationer will tell you that Psoriasis cannot be curred, this is simply not true, the problem they have is that they only treat the symptoms not the cause, conventional medicine does not treat the cause so any treatment they prescribe is only a sticking plaster and will not have lasting results.
Psoriasis Cure
Ever wondered why conventional medicine has not found a cure for Psoriasis, its pretty simple, its not life threatening ( or is it ?) and there is simply “no money in cure”
The truth is here, how to cure Psoriasis and what damage its doing to your body.
Clinically I would have been described as having a moderate level of Psoriasis, this was me at my worst, elbows were similar, patches on my head / hair and some small patches on my torso, the back of my ears and belly button.
Early stages - Elbows
In the majority of cases Psoriasis plaques begin on the elbows. It starts with dry skin on the boneist part that seems to grow over time, it certainly seems to pick the areas where the distance between the skin surface and the muscule or bone is the thinest.
Early stages - Knees
The first or second place Psoriasis plaques begin is on the knees. For me I can’t remember which came first as it was very subtle at first for both.